
Silotreat - Hydrophobic Impregnation


SiloTreat Agraff

SiloTreat Agraff
SiloTreat Agraff repels waterSiloTreat Agraff leaves the stone surface breathableSiloTreat Agraff uses nanotechnology for graffiti protectionSiloTreat Agraff can be used for restoration and graffiti protectionSiloTreat Agraff protects the surface during freeze-thaw cyclesSiloTreat Agraff makes the surface less susceptible to mold, mildew, and algae growth

SiloTreat® Agraff is a product for repelling water, oil-based, and water-soluble graffiti paints from mineral construction materials. The product penetrates deep into the substrate, making it hydrophobic and oleophobic. It contains virtually no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
SiloTreat® Agraff provides water-resistant protection while remaining vapor-permeable.
Areas of application
  • Concrete
  • Bricks/clinker cladding
  • Sandstone (not Udelfanger sandstone)
  • Sandy limestone
  • Mineral-based plaster (with limitations)
  • Marble and granite
Application method
Повърхностен импрегнатор и хидрофобизатор за защита от графити SiloTreat Agraff се нанася с изпръскванеПовърхностен импрегнатор и хидрофобизатор за защита от графити SiloTreat Agraff се нанася с безвъздушни пръскащи пистолетиПовърхностен импрегнатор и хидрофобизатор за за защита от графити SiloTreat Agraff се нанася отдолу нагоре
  • SiloTreat® Agraff is applied using low-pressure spray guns (at working pressure not exceeding 0.7 bar/10 psi with a nozzle size of 1.3 to 1.5 mm - HVLP).
  • Apply the product continuously in horizontal lines from bottom to top without overlapping.
  • Remove large droplets as quickly as possible with a brush.
  • The product must be protected from contact with liquids for at least 4 hours after application.
  • For longer-lasting graffiti protection, it is recommended to apply an additional layer of the product. The drying time between each subsequent layer can be from 10 to 60 minutes, depending on climatic conditions.
  • The amount of product required for each subsequent layer is significantly less.
  • Polished marble, granite
  • 30 - 50 ml/m2*
  • Porous granite
  • 60 - 100 ml/m2*
  • Dense concrete
  • 80 - 100 ml/m2*
  • Rough, low porosity clinker, facade bricks
  • 100 - 120 ml/m2*
  • Sandstone, porous concrete, limestone
  • 100 - 150 ml/m2*

*Average consumption rate - the quantities indicated are indicative, as the consumption rate for each specific application depends on the absorptive capacity of the surface.

Price in BGN incl. VAT: 152.40 лв.