
Silotreat - Hydrophobic Impregnation

Inject F

SiloTreat Inject F

SiloTreat Inject F
Инжекционен продукт за прекъсване на капилярна  влага в зидарии SiloТreat Inject F отблъскват водатаИнжекционен продукт за прекъсване на капилярна  влага в зидарии SiloТreat Inject F оставя повърхността на тухлата дишащаИнжекционен продукт за прекъсване на капилярна  влага в зидарии SiloТreat Inject F нанотехнология за защита на тухлиИнжекционен продукт за прекъсване на капилярна  влага в зидарии SiloТreat Inject F прониква дълбоко в минералната повърхност и я защитаваИнжекционен продукт за прекъсване на капилярна  влага в зидарии SiloТreat Inject F заздравява тухлите и керемидите и ги защитава от разрушаванеИнжекционен продукт за прекъсване на капилярна  влага в зидарии SiloТreat Inject F защитава тухлите и керемидите при цикли на замръзване и размразяванеИнжекционен продукт за прекъсване на капилярна  влага в зидарии SiloТreat Inject F прави тухлите и керемидите по-малко податливи на развитие на плесен, мухъл, водорасли
SiloTreat® Inject F is a product with excellent water-repellent properties for volumetric hydrophobic impregnation of absorbent, mineral substrates through horizontal injection or immersion.
It is a milky white emulsion with a density of approximately 1 g/cm³ at 25°C.
After injection into the substrate (masonry), SiloTreat® Inject F penetrates the pore structure, spreads in the capillary channels, and reacts with the mineral surface, creating a boundary water-repellent layer. As a result, the surface tension between the solid and liquid phases reaches a value that prevents the penetration and spread of water by capillary action.
Areas of application
  • Solid ceramic brick masonry
  • Solid concrete block masonry
  • Mortar-jointed stone masonry
  • Thick plasters and screeds
  • Dry masonry (after void-filling injection)
  • Clay masonry
  • Monolithic carbonate blocks (limestone, sandstone, granite, and others)
Application method
SiloTreat® Inject F is applied using suitable injection equipment*, gravity injection, or by immersion.
When injecting masonry, unless otherwise specified by the engineer, the working pressure after the packer valve should not exceed 3 bar.
The injection pressure is adjusted with the pressure required to open the inlet packer valve.
For gravity injection, the packer should be without an inlet valve and the pressure is determined by the height of the column of injection fluid.
Drilling of injection holes should be done in accordance with the type of substrate and construction.
The distance between the holes should not exceed 15 cm.
In the case of injection in more than one row, the holes should form a system of interconnected equilateral triangles on the surface of the masonry.
The depth of the holes should be about 5 cm less than the thickness of the masonry, and their axes should be inclined downwards so as to cross at least one horizontal joint.

*Injection technique and packers For injection, a single-component pump with low pressure and a device for its dynamic regulation and a device for maintaining static pressure for a long period of time should be used. Pumping elements and the injection system (hoses, nozzles, valves) should be made of stainless steel. Injection packers should be adapted to the type of substrate into which they will be injected and should be made of stainless steel.
The consumption of material depends on the method of application (injection or immersion), the injection mode (pressure, duration), the absorptive capacity of the substrate, as well as the conductivity of the construction. It is recommended to conduct tests for the actual consumption, according to the method of application.

Price in BGN incl. VAT: 26.40 лв.