
Silotreat - Hydrophobic Impregnation

New Product for Protecting Porous Natural Stones: SiloTreat Stone S+

SiloTreat Stone S+ е дълбочинен импрегнатор, част от системата за пълна защита на порести естествени каменни материали като пясъчник, гранит, варовик, брекча.
  • SiloTreat Stone S+ penetrates deeply.
  • The impregnant is resistant to alkaline environments and unaffected by weather conditions.
  • Creates a vapor-permeable and colorless impregnation.
  • Reduces water absorption and soluble salts.
  • For best results, it is recommended to use the deep impregnant SiloTreat® Stone S+ before applying SiloTreat® Stone BE, as a complete protection system for natural stone materials.
  • It is applied quickly and easily.
  • The product is applied in one coat.
Application Methods:
Камакът се обработва с SiloTreat Stone S+ чрез пулверизатор
Чрез пулверизатор
The stone is treated with SiloTreat Stone S+ using an HVLP machine.
Чрез безвъздушен пръскащ пистолет (HVLP)

SiloTreat® Stone S+ is available in the following packages:


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